Everyone must have seen a lot of websites on Google, there are professional malls like fakewatches.to, websites, FB, and personal small and micro businesses directly INSTAGRAM to send advertisements. You should know that some sellers do not ship directly without quality inspection. Many of them are looking for home delivery, or they are the two husbands and wives, and they can’t even come to the quality inspection.
If you encounter a sloppy quality inspection seller, it will take a week for you to receive the watch to find that there are scratches, the movement screw is dropped, the literal is not clean, and there are impurities in the night light. It was the two parties who were unhappy.
On the contrary, we have dedicated quality inspectors who carefully inspect and take photos of flaws and deposit receipts under strong light. If there is a problem, go to the manufacturer and replace it immediately. Sending away.
How do we arrange a time to solve customer problems? Our customer service hours are from 8:30 to 17:30. Time is Chinese time. For questions from 17:30 to 8:30, customers just need to leave me a message. Your question will be answered within 12 hours. fakewatches.to cannot guarantee 100% perfection, but we dedicate 100% to us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.